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Ann Miles

I have been interested in the natural world all my life and, as teenager, I had the ambition to photograph all the species of British wildflowers and bryophytes, an unrealistic ambition! My interests widened to include photographing birds, mammals, insects etc. More recently, I have concentrated on the smaller creatures in my locality deciding that learning to identify flies etc who only have latin names would help with maintaining brain function.  


I trained as a biologist and spent my working life in scientific publishing. I have enjoyed sharing my hobby and photographs lecturing around the country to camera clubs and, for about 10 years, taught general and nature photography at university degree level. I gained an Associateship in Nature and a Fellowship in Visual Arts and served as Deputy Chair of the Fine Arts Panel for 8 years. I now sit on the Natural History Distinction Panel and am the Events organiser for the RPS Nature Group which means that I meet and, hopefully, help a large number of aspiring nature photographers to improve and more importantly to enjoy their hobby.

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