Mike Lane FRPS
Mike is a full time wildlife photographer specialising in birds and mammals. Although he gets to travel abroad a lot he has a preference for photographing the British wildlife he grew up with and finds far more challenging.
His interest in wildlife began when he obtained his first dog as a teenager which lead to long walks in the countryside. Soon fascinated by the birds and mammals he encountered it became clear he would have to work with wildlife and he started his working life as a zoo keeper. It is the only job he ever enjoyed and would still remain his career if a fellow keeper had not come to work one day with a Practica TL camera and 400mm lens. One look through the viewfinder and Mike was hooked and a career change to the computer industry took place to fund his new addiction.
Mike's four passions in life are wildlife, photography, travel and computers which combine well into one interest. He is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and gives talks and workshops on wildlife photography when not travelling.
Contact details;
Mike Lane
36 Berkeley Road
West Midlands
B90 2HS
Tel: +44 (0)121 744 7988
Mobile 07766 418013
Email: mikelane@nature-photography.co.uk
Web site: www.nature-photography.co.uk